Special Offers

Find the deeply hidden blocks that are holding you back from experiencing your greatest potential, success, health, wealth, relating and happiness. Work with and learn to make love to (eliminate) your shadow using very deep trance. Energetically connect with and draw the best future version of you. Raise your vibe and clean out your frequency to align with new quantum realities.
This is super-charged mind development work that builds your superconscious or higher mind to permanently balance and work with all parts of your mind. It is the fastest way to change unconscious limiting beliefs and blocks and is your doorway into the quantum.
You will leave the first session equipped with powerful trigger words to enable you to use self-hypnosis. Session uses the highly effective Simpson Protocol.
Special offer – 1.5 hour by zoom – $150 USD
Program (total of 3.5 hours) $333 USD
Connect with your stars, your star ancestors and starseed resources
The power of your blood, your cells, your DNA and RNA are filled with the residue of star-particles from our amazing evolutionary journey on earth. As you opened your eyes as baby and took your first breath, above were the heavens and below was the earth where you were birthed.
The celestial bodies (stars, and planets and all of the energies of deep space) were aligned in a specific combination that is woven into your human or soul destiny.
Since antiquity the planets aligning have foretold of famous births, yet stars sit in all our charts, and much of this ancient knowledge remains lost to humanity in general. Most people know a little bit about their Sun sign (which makes general horoscopes so unreliable) or maybe even the position of their Sun in the constellation of stars that constitute each Zodiac sign, but what more can be found?
As your awareness of these cosmic resources expands, so too can your opportunities to make better use of that stardust.
You can connect with the guiding planets and stars guide that may help you to make sense of your earthly purpose.
Are you an innovator, a communicator, a mediator, or the rock in your family or community?
Birth charts can reveal the inner and outer challenges we need to focus on more in this lifetime. Connecting with a guiding planet or star can give you a greater awareness of powerful resources that are ‘above and beyond’ the daily challenges.
Special Offer – Natal Astrology Chart with 6 key fixed stars – $15USD (PDF)
Special offer – 1.5 hour by zoom, facetime or other video-conference – $133 USD. Includes Chart, Stardust Hypnosis Session – Q&A afterwards